

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Does EES Offer A Performance Guarantee And A Warranty?

Yes, EES does offer a Performance Guarantee. CLICK HERE for more installation contract.

How Does Solar Electricity Help The Environment?

This is one of the most asked questions. Solar power is clean and does not release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. The sun is the ultimate source of energy. Unlike traditional forms of fuels, solar energy does not take away from the Earth’s scarce natural resources.

How Much Will The Entire Project Cost?

No two projects are alike. The best and most accurate estimate is determined during a design estimate driven by usage obtained from you recent energy bills or provider website and an on-site inspection.

What's The Time Duration For An Average Installation?

Depending on the size of the residential project, the average installation can take anywhere from 1 to 3 days.

Will My Roof Support The Weight Of The Solar Panels?

While an on-site inspection is the best way to make that determination, it is likely that your roof can support solar panels. The light weight of solar systems add little to the actual roof load especially with the standard 2×6 supports on an average of 16” separation.

Will The Entire Cost Of Electricity Be Covered By Going Solar?

Maximum electric production depends on a number of factors. The layout of the roof, available space, and shading are a few of these factors. In most cases, we are able to cover the entire cost of electricity and more.

How Do I Know If I Have A Solar Friendly Roof?

You will get the most out of your solar solution if your roof is facing south, West and/or East in that order for Southern California and there are no objects or trees casting shadows over the roof area. For more detailed information call us for an on-site appointment.

How Do I Know If I Have Enough Space?

We have various types of mounting and panel options that can help meet some of the most demanding goals. For more accurate information, please call us for an on-site inspection.

Will Going Solar Increase My Property Value?

Yes. Although there is no exact formula to calculate property value increase, studies have shown an average size residential solar system (approx. 6-7KW) add about $15,000 in value. This is driven by the long term efficiency of a level energy payment and a paid system that produces power at no monthly cost.

From The Time I Decide To Go Solar, How Soon Will Installation Start?

Once all appropriate paperwork is complete, a desired date can be set for installation based on specific city permitting timeframes, any pre-work needed (i.e. Main panel upgrades, roof replacements or battery installations).

SectionHow Many Years Are The Solar Panels Under Warranty?

The manufacturers in which we contract warrant their products for up to 25 years.

Must I Be Present During Inspections?

It’s up to the client whether they choose to be present during scheduled inspections. Some cities require access to the home for fire alarm and Co2 checks. However, a Solar representative will be present for all inspections.

How Much Maintenance Is Needed After The Installation?

Solar systems are durable, long lasting and self sufficient. They very minimal and basic rinsing which often will be accomplished with seasonal rain.

Are There Any Rebates?

Yes. City owned Utility companies offer rebates while funding lasts for solar installations that are connected to the grid and included in Net-Metering Agreements.

Are There Any Tax Benefits?

Yes. The Federal Government is offering a 30% tax credit available to use by 2019 and 10% by 2020. Congress will need to act by the end of 2020 to extend the tax credits, but there is no guarantee. NOW IS THE TIME!!!

Do I Have To Own My Own Property?

Yes. Or, provided you have a close or working relationship with your landlord and they are willing to finance and install the system. Installation can be completed.

Will I Have Any Electrical Shortage While Switching From The Solar Panels To The Grid?

No. The transition is smooth and performed by State codes.

California Energy Companies

Southern California Edison
Anaheim Public Utilities
Riverside Utilities